Monday, February 22, 2016

Roosevelt Corollary #2

This cartoon is about how the United States guarded South America from any European countries. This also meant that the United States could intervene at any point of time if the country was having problems. The cartoonist used people in this cartoon to symbolize other countries. The cartoonist also labeled the countries in this cartoon. This cartoon does not support my side of imperialism. I think that we should expand and I feel that the Roosevelt corollary limited our reach to European countries.

Open Door Policy # 1

This cartoon is about how the United States controlled who had full control of China's trade. China was a valuable resource too many because it had so many natural resources. In this cartoon you have Uncle Sam symbolizes in the United States. At the top of the door it is labeled China by the cartoonist. This cartoon does support my stance on Imperialism. I think that we should expand and expect to have a few battles to fight.

Roosevelt Corollary #1

This cartoon is but her Roosevelt was able to use his big stick to protect our hemisphere. Rose what you is using the Roosevelt Corollary to protect his hemisphere. The cartoonist is using exaggeration in size, the cartoonist exaggerated Roosevelt's size. The cartoonist also using Roosevelt to represent the United States and how we are protecting our hemisphere. This cartoon does support my stance on imperialism. I think that we should expand but we also should know that there will be a few wars that will need to be fought.


the Annexation Of Hawaii #2

This cartoon shows that do United States wanted to grow and be in an influence everywhere. The cartoon shows the face of the United States trying to expand. In the cartoon the artist over exaggerates the size of America’s face. The artist also labels that the face is of the United States and it's for my, mine, and, me. This cartoon does support my stance on imperialism. I think that we should expand even if it means we need to fight if you battles. This cartoon is about how President Roosevelt invade panama using the Roosevelt corollary. President Roosevelt has shovels, knives, and guns all over his clothing which means that he will be invading forcefully. This cartoon represents President Roosevelt negatively. President Roosevelt is exaggerated size where he is usually small. The cartoonist also labels the board and walk the Roosevelt doctrine. This political cartoon supports my side on imperialism. I think that we expand although it may mean that the United States my need to fight a few battles.


Annexation of Hawaii

This cartoon takes place in the late 1890s, the United States was determining whether to annex Hawaii and other territories. The concept of manifest destiny, or America's  expansion through colonization is shown in this cartoon. Some cartoons would draw the United States as Uncle Sam and the territories considered for annexation as children, as if the United States was their parents. In this cartoon the cartoonist is exaggerating the queen. The queen's face is disordered and funny; I think that the cartoonist is telling us that the Hawaii's queen was a clown. The cartoonist is also using Uncle Sam to symbolize the United States. This political cartoon does support my stance on imperialism. I do think that we should expand and although there will be a few battles it will be worth it in the end.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Panama Canal

This cartoon is about how President Roosevelt invade panama using the Roosevelt corollary. President Roosevelt has shovels, knives, and guns all over his clothing which means that he will be invading forcefully. This cartoon represents President Roosevelt negatively. President Roosevelt is exaggerated size where he is usually small. The cartoonist also labels the board and walk the Roosevelt doctrine. This political cartoon supports my side on imperialism. I think that we should expand and this cartoon supports that.


 Panama canal. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2016, from Vignette and documents.htm

The Presidents of the USA. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2016, from 
     "Coup d'Etat" A Political Cartoon about the Panama Canal. (2013). Retrieved February 09, 2016, from

4         History: Spanish American War. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2016, from

 (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2016, from

6  America: A Narrative History, 8 Full Edition StudySpace. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09,2016from

7     Rogers, William A. "HarpWeek: Cartoon of the Day." <i>HarpWeek: Cartoon of the Day</i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2016. &lt;;Date=21&gt;.

8     "Cartoon Of The Open Door Policy - The Koller Report - N.Koller." <i>Cartoon Of The
       Open Door Policy - The Koller Report - N.Koller</i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2016.                   &lt;;.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Spanish American

This cartoon is about the Spanish American War. The cartoon is also about how the United States dragged ourselves into the war with Spain.  The message you can receive from this article id that no one asked  or pulled  the United States  into the war. The cartoon is showing Uncle Sam dragging us into the war. Some opinion that could come up is that Cuba may  have asked  us join the war. Anther opinion is that it was the governments flow for dragging the United States into the war. In this  cartoon, the clouds symbolize that the United States was coming to help Cuba. I also think Uncle Sam is exaggerated in length. I think that the cartoon is supporting my point of view on imperialism; which is that the United States should expand to Cuba.        



Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Purchase of Alaska

This Cartoon is about the purchase of  Alaska. The cartoon is about how we
spent a lot of money of Alaska, for a brick of ice.The cartoon's message is that we  made a treaty and got a brick of ice for lots of money.Some opinions that  may have  rose is that the government wasted our money.Others may say  that Alaska provided so much raw  materials it paid itself off.The cartoon symbolizes that Alaska was a brick of ice for an extreme price.  Some opinions that may have Rose is that the government wasted our money. Others may have said that Alaska provided so much raw materials it paid for itself. The cartoon symbolizes that Alaska it was a brick of ice. The cartoonist also used labeling on the cart that is holding the Alaska. Disk or tune supports my stance in imperialism because it shows the United States expanding and imperializing.